Two Weeks to a Breakthrough - Electric Boogaloo
Back in July I wrote about Lisa Haneberg's Two Weeks to a Breakthrough program and blog - and soon to be published book! Shortly after that, Lisa decided to euthanize the Two Weeks to a Breakthrough blog, much to my chagrin (and I categorically deny any cause-and-effect relationship).
On Wednesday, Lisa announced that she was reigniting the pilot light of 2W2BK, and stoking the fire by announcing 2007 as the Year of the Breakthrough! And then she practiced what she preaches and requested that friends of 2W2BK link to the blog.
Request granted!
Lisa turned the Two Weeks to a BreaKthrough program into a book, which will come out in late February. I was fortunate enough to review a draft of this book, and it is amazing! I'll post a formal review when the book is published, and will be ebullient in my praise, because it's that good!
Full Disclosure: I got to review the book because Lisa was looking for blurbs, and apparently one of my submitted blurbs will actually be part of the published book. I just hope they don't use that "if Lisa had written this book in 1450, the Bible would have been the second book Gutenberg printed!" one.
How's that for sass, Lisa?
posted by Mike at 4:14 PM

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