Has The Long-awaited Reincarnation of Liberace Been Identified?
Some souls (e.g., the Dalai Lama), are reputed to reincarnate when the previous body has died. I'm not sure if any such dogma exists around Liberace, but I believe the new incarnation has now been identified!
Iowahawk called him The One Man Spinal Tap of Pipe Organ Music, which this video clearly proves to be correct:
The haircut! The attitude! The self-aggrandizement! The sparkly shoes!! (He decorates his own shoes with Swarovski crystals!)
But if you dig a little deeper into YouTube, there's more...
And if you really want the full treatment, here's 40 minutes from German TV. Turn it up to 11!
"And behold the power of this fully operational Intergallactic Battle Organ!" says Emperor Liberace
posted by Mike at 3:42 AM

Unless part of Liberace's soul left the body before he died, the man you identify as Liberace re-incarnated can't be in this man. He was born in 1981 and Liberace died in 1987. I do find the concept of reincarnation interesting though.
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