What Pops Into Your Head When You See This Image?
My first thought: And me with no Hershey Bars or Graham Crackers!
Second thought: Awesome! But who thinks of something like this and then can execute it? If we could only channel that creativity for the greater good...
Third thought: Note to self: If you ever manage a project in New York, add this to your risk register!
Fourth thought: There's an old saying that if you put 100 monkeys at 100 typewriters for 100 years, one of them would write Shakespeare. I don't believe it, but I will say this: If you put 1,000 moneys at 1,000 computers with Photoshop and an internet connection for 1,000 years, none of them will create this!
Fifth thought: Uh oh, that last statement may seem to some 'activists' as extremely speciesist...
Sixth thought: Then again, if those activists get outraged enough, they may make me sell this blog for $2 Billion! I'd be morally outraged, but in my current demented state I'd have to acquiesce to my wife making the deal.
Seventh thought: It's Bush's fault!
Eight thought: Is that supposed to be the Chrysler Building in the background? If so, I think one of those monkeys may have a puncher's chance of creating that!
Ninth thought: One frame is not enough! We need the whole scene!! Is there a Kickstarter for that?
Tenth and final thought: How is this categorized within standard P&C underwriting rules? Does an 'Act of Gozer' qualify as an Act of God?
What thoughts popped into your head (and yes, I realize that is a very weak reference to the original Ghostbusters movie)? Leave a comment...
posted by Mike at 1:02 PM

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