What's Going On In There?
Have you ever looked another human being in the eye and wondered "What's going on in there?" Me, too! So I spent years looking for workable models of how the brain works and how to use those models to help facilitate change. Here's what I found:
Enjoy, and let me know what you think in the tip jar or comment box, or just pass it along to two people you think might enjoy it!
posted by Mike at 9:52 AM

Hello Michael
This is a terrific presentation on a very interesting and relevant topic. You have done a great job of simplifying and explaining in an easy to undertsand way for the lay person many of the complex issues with respct to "What's going on in there?.
Have a great summr,
Yours very truly,
John Eric Pollabauer
Moncton, NB CANADA
Very well done! And thank you for bringing attention to my work on Connection Cultures. Given you interest in the brain, you might enjoy David Myer's book Intuition. Out of curiosity, do you know your fellow MITer Edgar Schein. Diane Coutu at Harvard Business Review did a wonderful interview of Schein a few years ago that provides a nice summary of his understanding about the conditions necessary for change.
With best wishes,
Hi John,
Thanks for your kind words; they mean a lot to me. Enjoy your summer; it's almost monsoon season here.
Thanks for the link! I'll check out Myer and Schein. It's amazing what you can find when you start to look...
REALLY fascinating.
Thanks, David!
It took me some time to set aside the 25 minutes to give this a good watch (damn reptilian brain kept noticing stuff), but I'm truly glad I did.
Thanks for the fascinating information - and the bad-ass picture of William James. :)
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