Exactly How Old IS Dirt?

Here is a party game to play for my birthday. Yesterday my age was a prime number. Now you can create an equation for my new age using the numbers 2, 3, and 4.
Hint 1: I am not 432; not even in dog years.
Hint 2: I am not 14 (3x4+2); though some previous posts may have you wondering...
Leave your guess in the comments; the lower the number the higher my praise of your acumen will be! ;-)
Meanwhile, here is a party favor for you in the spirit of the day. Enjoy!
Photo courtesy of foundphotoslj
posted by Mike at 6:19 AM

Hey, this should be easy! The list of prime numbers starts like this...
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
So, taking into account the phase of the moon (nearly full), the time of year (hot!), the lower the estimate the better, and the fact that you have 5 women living in the same house with you (sound of head exploding), added to the hint of 2, 3, and 4...
I'm guessing you're 23, and *ahem* play golf (as in "fore!").
Wha'd I win? Wha'd I win? :-D
You win the fabulous "I will promote every WILF from now on" prize package. Is your current masthead picture your preferred glamour shot?
OK, yesterday you were 61, a prime number. Today is your birthday, so you're now 62 or 4^3 - 2.
Sadly, 62 is a warmer guess than 23, but incorrect! Also, 62 is greater than 432 dog years.
Give it another try! And thanks for stopping by, sjs.
Are you wearing the hair or the hat in the picture, Mike?
I vote for 48 (2*2*3*4) - or is that too many 2s?
Happy - belated - birthday!
You win the kewpie doll!
I never had hair that nice!
I learned long ago to always guess 'low' when guessing age!
And yes, that's my preferred mug.
Happy 41st Birthday! (43 - 2)
Hey, I'm gaining on you!
OK, I see my error -- not prime today, but BEFORE the birthday. I'd like to amend my prediction (aided by your comment at Oz :-) to:
(4^2) * 3 = 48
Best wishes for many more to come!
Right on the money! ;-)
I hope you don't pass me any time soon!
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