Cardinal Dolan on Our Impact on Public Policy
Bang! Zoom! For any American Catholic waiting for a rallying cry from our bishops, here it is! Powerful catechesis from Cardinal Dolan. He calls out our enemies and lays out the teachings guiding our conscientious object to the HHS mandate and the culture of death in general. Watch and Learn!
Cardinal Timothy Dolan: Public Policy Day Keynote
Givens and Oughts
7 Givens (Is's):
1) The innate dignity of the human person
2) Human life itself is unquestionably sacred
3) The principle of solidarity
4) The creator has instilled within us and within his creation an inherent order
5) Subsidiarity: the common good is best served by agencies, organizations, and institutions closest to the human person
6) The preferential option for the poor/ care for those left behind/ Jesus, who always seemed to have a radar for those on the side of the road
7) Because of the innate dignity of the human person, because of the sanctity of life, every person has certain inalienable rights given, not by society, not by culture, not by government, but by the creator himself
7 Oughts
1) We ought to be in politics
2) We ought to bring values and convictions to politics - and here he makes the point that "While I'm personally opposed, I cannot impose those views on my constituents" is morally incorrect!
3) Catholics ought to propose, never impose
4) We ought to stand for principle always, above politics
5) We ought to stress responsibility as much as rights
6) We ought to defend the rights of others
7) Catholics ought to stress "us", not "me"
I will be commenting on the 7 Givens and the 7 Oughts in future posts.
posted by Mike at 10:15 PM 1 comments