Last Time on "As the Action Gets Spooky"
William Tully over at LOGICal eMOTIONs started a meme asking folks to list ten posts that define what their blog is about and why. The estimable Blue Shark tagged me, and it seemed like a good thing to do. So here the ten post that best define Spooky Action.
Spooky Action Predicts: Nick Carr Has Your Number (.8 Probability) The first post; sort of like a debut album, it has the accumulated ideas of several years, and you'll find an awful lot of my philosophy there. Yeah, it took a while to shake the sophomore blues, until I wrote:
Good to Great Throughout the Ages Are the keys in Good to Great a mirror of essential elements of epic mythology? I make the case in a piece that shows the kind of non-linear thinking that shows up here regularly.
When Bad Things Happen to Good Concepts is the embodiment of the Product Irreverence ethos. You'll never see a pencil sharpener the same again. This piece is now part of MBA By Blog!
How to Make Important Decisions Go ahead. Google the title. Nine months at Number One, baby! My take on how the mind works.
Crash Course in Learning from Harry Potter Inspired by posts from two of my favorite bloggers (who sadly are both not currently blogging), this is a visual mash-up of their most creative training advice. Lots of Easter Eggs and cross-references; one of my favorite pieces!
Categories of Fun and Experience Design I've written a book-length treatise on Experience Design based on the concepts here, and you'll be seeing more of that material coming soon. This one has been linked quite a bit by people who know more than me on the subject!
STATISTICS SHOW EATING ICE CREAM CAUSES MURDER After being double-dog dared by my friend Liz Strauss to write this piece, it now occupies prime Google result position on the subject. Hey, at least they'll get a laugh while doing that term paper research!
Where is the Line Between Gift and Investment Sometimes we think Deep Thoughts here.
Four Jokes to Live By Now you can listen to me bloviate, too!
Cause and Effect in Professional Services What do you get when you mix McConnell and Huba, Green and Maister, Keiningham and Vavra, Blanchard and Bowles, and an overactive imagination? This post, which synthesizes teachings from all of them into a model for building strong professional services practices.
I'm not going to tag anyone, since I'm not wild about these things, but feel free to join in the fun if the mood strikes you!
posted by Mike at 5:01 PM 0 comments